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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jonas Brothers Quit Music

The Jonas Brothers sign off from music (OK, just for a day) to edit the entire music section of Time Out New York and pose for four exclusive covers, of course. Take a sneak peak of all four covers and check out the interview about Jonas Brothers' future, their favorite bands, their must-see concerts and an exclusive video and slideshow of photos documenting their stint as music editors at New York'sbiggest arts and entertainment magazine:


Anonymous said...

Just for one day, the Jonas Brothers quit music to be TONY`s new guest Music editors. This special issue of Time Out New York (#719) contains an exclusive interview with the Jonas Brothers, in-office photos, and Joe, Nick, and Kevin`s concert picks. Issue #719 also comes with 4 different covers -- one cover dedicated to each guy and one cover with a group shot. All four magazines are hard to find, unless you get them in this set, which also includes a 12x18-inch poster of all 4 limited-edition covers.

This special collector set makes a great gift for any Jonas Brothers fan.

Hurry! Order your collector set today. Limited supplies.

Anonymous said...

Just for one day, the Jonas Brothers quit music to be TONY`s new guest Music editors. This special issue of Time Out New York (#719) contains an exclusive interview with the Jonas Brothers, in-office photos, and Joe, Nick, and Kevin`s concert picks. Issue #719 also comes with 4 different covers -- one cover dedicated to each guy and one cover with a group shot. All four magazines are hard to find, unless you get them in this set, which also includes a 12x18-inch poster of all 4 limited-edition covers.

This special collector set makes a great gift for any Jonas Brothers fan.

Hurry! Order your collector set today. Limited supplies.