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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Recap from Kristi Yamaguchi Friends and Family

Okay first off, sorry we did not post this yesterday; but we got busy.

So as you all know, yesterday the Jonas Brothers, along with Demi Lovato and Jordan Pruitt, were on an ice-skating special "Kristi Yamaguchi:Friends and Family." The show featured many Olympic Medalist along with their children. The special was for Bayer Diabetes Care. The whole 2-hours there was commercials about people with diabetes and even Nick and Mamma and Pappa Jonas talking about the disease. We personally feel that it was a great way to get kids and families aware of the disease that many people are getting today.

The Jonas Brothers performed 4 songs: Lovebug, Burnin' Up, A Little Bit Longer (just Nick), and On the Line with Demi Lovato. We honestly cried when Nick was telling his story and when he sang A Little Bit Longer, but for personal reasons. The was really great and we think that it was worth its time.

If you saw the show, tell us what you thought.

PS-We thought Demi Lovato and Jordan Pruitt did great as well.