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Friday, November 27, 2009

Jonas Brothers Promote During the Holidays

Working through the holidays, the Jonas Brothers were busy tending to press duties in Paris, France on Thanksgiving morning (November 26).

Chauffeured from their hotel to the French radio station NRJ, Nick, Joe and Kevin all hopped out of their van to the warm welcome of a huge crowd of gathered fans.The Disney trio smiled as they posed for pictures and signed autographs for their faithful followers while being guided inside the station for the day’s interview.

The Disney trio smiled as they posed for pictures and signed autographs for their faithful followers while being guided inside the station for the day’s interview.
Meanwhile, the JoBros happened to run into fellow young star, Justin Bieber, while in Paris. Bieber wrote, “Randomly ran into the Jonas Brothers at the airport. First time meeting each other. They seem like really great guys.”