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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Jonas Brothers are Handy Men

Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas watch in shock as their tour bus tumbles over a cliff in this new still from Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam.

The JoBros chatted with JJJ about this particular scene recently and when asked who was teh handiest of the trio — they couldn’t decide!

Kevin joked, “I’m really good at K’Nex (laughs),” while Joe shared his lifelong dream of a tree house: “I think it’s pretty much a dream of mine to build a tree house. So that’s in the works. I’m making the blueprints right now.”

But Nick dreams and builds big! “I built a couple of top secret projects before but they required some handy work. Yeah, I can’t say what it is but they were good. Very big things.”

Joe added, “You’ve heard of the White House? (laughing) The West Wing? He built the West Wing.”

WHO DO YOU THINK is the handiest of the Jonas Brothers?