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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Joe's Solo Album will have Edge

Joe Jonas is busy working on his solo album, which is set to release in 2011. Songwriter Kevin Cossom, who worked with Joe in the studio, spoke with YRB magazine about the new album, spilling some new details about Joe’s sound:

Me and Danja, we were actually just working with Joe Jonas. We’re just trying to give him a little edge. [Joe is] getting a little older now and I’m just giving him a little edge, but giving him a lane. The stuff is coming out really good. As you know, Danja, he’s so versatile as far as being a producer. He’s very versatile, so the sound is a mixture of a lot of different things, but it’s definitely something that’s coming together.

We are really curious to hear what Joe’s new music sounds like. It really worked for Nick Jonas when he branched away from his brothers, the Jonas Brothers, and did his own thing. However, we’re curious if it will work for Joe, or if it will just make people want to hear the Jonas Brothers come out with some new music as a group.

What do you think?