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Monday, February 14, 2011

Jonas Brothers Bassist Helps St. Baldrick’s Foundation Launch Original “Show Some Love” Video

Special music video features singer/songwriter Paris Carney and Greg “Garbo” Garbowsky of the Jonas Brothers

The St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money for childhood cancer research, proudly debuts a special unplugged performance by up-and-coming singer/songwriter Paris Carney and her song, “Life Jacket,” as part of the Foundation’s “Show Some Love” campaign. The video, which also features Greg “Garbo” Garbowsky, bass player for the Jonas Brothers, presents a heartfelt acoustic version of “Life Jacket,” which Paris dedicates to all children battling cancer. Paris and Garbo charge others to “Show Some Love” with St. Baldrick’s and join in the Foundation’s mission to Conquer Kids’ Cancer.

The St. Baldrick’s February “Show Some Love” campaign, developed to help raise awareness about childhood cancer, shows that it takes love, commitment and a heart full of compassion to raise money for life-saving research. With the help of each volunteer, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation takes another step in funding the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long and healthy lives.

“Paris and I are honored to have been able to collaborate on this video to further support the
St. Baldrick’s Foundation and their mission to Conquer Kids’ Cancer,” said Greg Garbowsky. “We were inspired to learn that St. Baldrick’s funds more in childhood cancer research than any organization except the U.S. government. We encourage others to join in their efforts and show some love for all kids battling cancer. Together, let’s CONQUER.”

Since 2005, as an independent Foundation, St. Baldrick’s has committed more than $56.9 million in research grants. In 2010, St. Baldrick’s volunteers helped raise more than $22.1 million by hosting more than 805 events and shaving more than 38,200 heads. St. Baldrick’s signature head-shaving events are coordinated by volunteer event organizers (VEOs), at which volunteer “shavees” collect pledges to shave their heads bald, in solidarity with kids fighting cancer, raising funds for research.

To date, there are more than 590 events registered to take place in 2011.To join this exciting movement and keep up to date on St. Baldrick’s activities, become a supporter on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and visit the St. Baldrick’s YouTube and Vimeo channel.