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Monday, March 28, 2011

Jonas Brothers Named #8 as Top Role Models for Kids

8.) Jonas Brothers – The All American boys who grew out of the Disney Channel have been nothing but family oriented and wholesome in their years of fame. Evangelical Christians, the brothers Joe, Kevin and Nick have never shied away from their faith, have reportedly abstained from alcohol, tobacco and drugs, as well as premarital sex. Beyond their views, they are known to have earned an estimated $12 million in 2007, 10% of which they donated to their charity, Change for the Children Foundation, a foundation that donates to children based organizations. When asked about the charity they wrote, “We started The Change for the Children Foundation to support programs that motivate and inspire children to face adversity with confidence, determination and a will to succeed. And we think the best people to help children are their peers – kids helping other kids who are a little less fortunate.”