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Monday, March 28, 2011

Nick Jonas Surprises 'Idol' Finalist

Recently eliminated American Idol contestant Karen Rodriguez, visited “On Air With Ryan Seacrest” to discuss her whirlwind Idol journey and plans for her future. However, Ryan had a special surprise guest for her…none other then Nick Jonas!
In Karen’s last appearance on “American Idol,” she had mentioned her sister Karol’s infatuation with the youngest member of the Jonas Brothers. After leaving the stage Ryan promptly called Joe Jonas attempting to coordinate a meeting between his younger brother Nick and Karen.
Meanwhile, altogether unaware Karen continued her interview by discussing how her life has changed in these few short days since American Idol stating, “You never know how many fans you have, how many people are watching until you are eliminated. Thats when everything starts happening. All the tweets I’ve been getting. All the fans. You never know how much you impact people, and you touch people’s hearts.”
Karen went on to thank her supportive family for encouraging her to follow her dreams. Particularly her younger sister Karol who said, ‘You can go to ‘American Idol’ just so that I can meet Nick Jonas.’”
Then the unimaginable happened for Karen. After Ryan worked some of his magic, Nick Jonas walked into the studio to surprise her. “Oh, my God! This tops my ‘American Idol’ experience.”
Karen went on to serenade Nick with her own rendition of his hit “Burning Up,” and to describe the extent of her sister Karol’s admiration of Nick. The surprise visit truly helped make Karol’s dream come true. “This is the highlight of my life!” said Karen, after meeting Nick.
Nick then made a call to Karol at home, receiving a shocking reply of, “Oh my God! This is amazing!” At Karen’s request, Nick serenades Karol with his hit “When I Look You In The Eyes,” leading Karol to tears crying “you are a really beautiful person.”
This touching turn of events ends with Karen telling her sister, “I did it for you…I am so glad I made your dream come true. I love you!…This was my purpose, I fulfilled my purpose.”