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Saturday, May 26, 2012


Hello fellow Jonas fans! We are so sorry that it has been over a year since we've posted! We also cannot believe that we haven't posted in that long. But there are reasons as to why we haven't posted. And here they are. First, the internet at our apartment went out and we could not afford to get it fixed, so we had to go to Starbucks, PJ's and random booksellers in order just to do homework! Once school was out, we both went in our separate directions for the summer; Rachel went to California with her boyfriend for the entire summer and I went to Europe with my family. When we both came back, it was time for school to start back up. We were slammed with work since day one and other things going on in our lives. Rachel's parents had to move and she was worried about that and my parents (mom and step-dad) were going through something also. We had to deal with all of that before we could worry about a website. We finally got the internet fixed in November, but by that time Rachel was working when she wasn't in school and with her boyfriend when she wasn't working. I was also working, but not as much, besides, I had other things going on. Well, Rachel and her boyfriend broke up and school is out for the summer. We both still work (Rachel more than I), so we still won't be posting as much, but we will still be posting. We have somethings planned for the summer with all of our fellow Jonas fans and we hope to soon reconnect with all of you the way we used to be. Until then, we will continue to fantasize about what the new Jonas Brothers album will sound like and when it will come out. But to keep us all talking, what do you all think of the Jonas Brothers leaving Hollywood Records?!?! --Jennifer PS: Skype us at jonasbrosponed and follow us on Twitter @jonasbrosponed